How to reduce wisdom teeth pain – Know the effective ways.

The usual eruption time for wisdom teeth is 18-24 years, but they do not erupt in some individuals; in some cases, they erupt partially. 

 They remain impacted or erupt incompletely due to the lack of space in the jaw. Wisdom teeth pain is a common finding among young adults. But how can you reduce wisdom teeth pain? If you have a similar doubt in your mind, then hold on as we answer this.

In the information provided below, we will explain how to reduce wisdom teeth pain and what can be done to reduce the pain – brought to you by Dr Sindha Dental Clinic Bharuch.

Common causes – how to reduce wisdom teeth pain


Food accumulation can occur in the space between the tooth and soft tissue. This accumulated food attracts bacteria, which irritates the soft tissue, leading to inflammation. Soft tissue inflammation is a painful condition called pericoronitis, usually associated with partially erupted teeth.

Tooth decay

Food getting stuck between the wisdom teeth and soft tissue makes it a favorable site for bacterial growth, leading to increased susceptibility to caries attacks. Tooth decay in the third molars is another common cause of wisdom teeth pain. Because of the impacted third molar, tooth decay can also happen in the roots of the second molars. 

When there is insufficient space, the wisdom teeth erupt partially, with soft tissue covering them. The space between the wisdom teeth and the soft tissue is a hard-to-clean pocket that harbors bacteria.  

How to reduce wisdom tooth pain  

So now, as we have discussed the common causes of wisdom teeth pain, let’s dive into the remedies for it. We are talking about the common home remedies that will help you provide some relief. It is important to note that all the remedies discussed below offer temporary relief and are not a substitute for professional help. Examining your teeth clinically and radiologically is essential to find the best solution to wisdom teeth pain. 

Clove oil

Clove oil contains eugenol, which has anesthetic properties. It provides temporary relief by helping to numb the area for some time. Use a sterile cotton swab dipped in clove oil to apply it near the affected area for sometime

Cold compression

Ice packs are a pain reliever when used intermittently on the cheeks from outside. The cold compression reduces blood flow in the affected area. They are to be applied intermittently, which means applying them for 10 minutes and then removing them for 10 minutes.  

Warm saline rinses

Using lukewarm water and a pinch of salt to make mouth rinses can manage pain. For some time, it has been a common way to relieve toothache.  


Over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen and ketorol are temporary pain relievers for wisdom tooth pain. Painkillers should be taken as a last resort when natural methods don’t work. It is important to get your examination done by our experts at Dr Sindha Dental Clinic Bharuch. Don’t rely on painkillers for total relief. It is also important to take only doctor prescribed medicines for a safer management.